This job ad has been posted over 60 days ago...

Part-time part-time English teacher needed

at starlish edu in Guangzhou

Job Type: Part- time
School :university
Location :Guangzhou
Student age :Aged 18 to 20
Class Size About 15 students in one class
Working hrs : 12:00 to 15:00pm ,Momday and Thursday(3 hours per time)
Salary RMB150/hr
Requirment: Native English Speaker
Degree &TESOL/TEFL holder prefered
How to apply
Please email us at with your resume (together with cellphone number / email address/ photo /copy of passport / visa / degree/ TESOL or TEFL certificate,etc.) .

Herman Lau: 13922138202

Note: Please mention when applying.

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Published at 22-02-2012
Viewed: 187 times