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Full-time Kindergarten in Shanghai, homeroom teacher position, top-pay

at cherry in Shanghai

Top-pay kindergarten homeroom teaching jobs in Qingpu district, Shanghai.
Starting Date: Sept, 2023;

1. Students age: 3-6;
2. Working times: 8a.m. to 4:30p.m. Monday to Friday;
3. The number of students: less than 20;
4. Contract length: 1 school year;
1. Monthly salary: RMB 25-35k+/month after tax;
2. One day Christmas holiday;
3. All Chinese National Holidays;
4. Bonus provided;
5. Regular team building;
6. Medical insurance provided;
7. Other benefits;
1. Native English speakers;
2. TEFL/TESOL certificate;
3. Teachers with teaching experience;
4. Holders of PGCE certificates or license are preferred;
5. Bachelor or above with a degree,  education major preferred;

Note: Please mention when applying.

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Published at 20-03-2023
Viewed: 448 times